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Are PA Committee meetings open to all parents?


PA Committee meets twice a term or more frequent as required. These meetings are for Committee members only.  A new Committee is elected at the end of every academic year for the following year's tenure. Any parent of the school can nominate him/herself to be elected by the parent community of the School.


What are the opportunities for the parents community to meet with the School leadership then?

Based on PA's feedback, the school now provides termly Year Group Parents Forum. This is a great platform for the School leadership and parents to promote and foster open communication.


I would like to be more involved in School. Who do I talk to about the options?


There are numerous ways how you can be involved, from helping out at sports activities, functions and organising them, and more. Talk to either one of the PA Committee members or fill in the CONTACT FORM to find out your areas of interest and suggest some options.


I have a concern regarding a situation at school involving my child. Who should I contact?


If the matter is specifically regarding your child, according to the Parents’ Handbook, your first approach should be to your child’s class teacher. Depending on the outcome of that first meeting, a further discussion may be required which may include the Head of Department, i.e. Head of Subject, Year Leader, or a Deputy, where you will be advised accordingly. 


If the matter is still unable to be resolved, then further discussion will involve the School Principal. At each of these meetings possible strategies and outcomes will be discussed to resolve the matter. If you have pursued this course of action and still feel that the matter has not been resolved, then please contact us.

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